Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Halik ni Hudas Means

A deep meaning, conveys on the description of a false prophet, its attitude and how can be dangerous to your life and soul. A religious meaning. It's about how somebody in power coerce and manipulate common people...

This is about people who dressed up with sheep clothing but are actually wolves. Telling lies to cover up the mess thay they actually do..

Mabulaklak na Dila means

Ang ibig sabihin ng bulaklak ng dila ay mga salitang lumalabas sa bibig ng isang tao na kung saan nahihikayat ang sinomang makakarinig sa kanyang. Mga salitang mapangbola.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hoy Paki alamero!!!

Kung wala kang alam sa buhay ng dalawang tao o kahit pa man may alam ka sa isa sa kanila, wala ka pa rin sa tamang lugar para lagyan ng kahulugan ang mga kilos nila!!!! Wag kayong Pakialamero mga tarantado!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Halik ni hUdas

May mga tao na akala mo perpekto..magaling manalita na akala mo walang bahid dungis ang pagkatao... Taong akala mo walang kayang gawing kalukuhan at taong akala mo santo.. jan po kayo mag iingat dahil kadalasan ang ganyang tao ang tunay na manloloko...

iF yOu taLK . 
Make sure yOu mean 
what yOu say..! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

dont just act?!

Tama di ba nanay MARY ANN BULAC2 parang ikaw lang ang galing mong tumulong and the same time isusumbat mo lang and then sabay ilalaglag mo pag di mo na kailangan di ba, Alam mo ang sinasabi ko nanay? I still know what you did and your family did last summer 2013... Bayad na ba nanay mong si LUCITA BULAC2 mo sa utang nya worth 270K +... pasasa pa din sa kita sa bukid na puhunan sa ipon pa rin nyo ni tatay.... SIMULATION OF BIRTH ALAMMO NA AT PAMILYA MO??? 1 YAEAR and countdown pa rin BULACLAC

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Miracle in Cell 7

'Perjury' vs. 'False Statements'

Basa- Basa din Pamilyang Raflesia pag may tym....

Perjury and false statements are both felonies, punishable under federal law by up to five years in prison. While the two crimes have similar elements, there are some important distinctions. Here is an explanation:

False Statement

The crime of false statement involves knowingly and willfully making a false statement to a government official (such as an investigator) about a material fact, or falsifying or covering up a material fact. This latter point includes knowingly omitting information that is material. The key point is the speaker's intent: that the speaker has knowingly made the false statement, or omitted relevant information.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Facts you didnt know!!!!

'An educated person'
has good manner and good moral character, educated person comes with being good personLearns how to respect other's lives, DOWN TO EARTHHindi lahat ng nakapag aral edukada.:))))))))

Wag kang magmayabang para namang ang taas na ng
narating mo at wag karin magbait baitan at hindi bagay,
alam ko ugali mo PLASTIK...

"ang TSiSMiS. . . 
parang HiStORy..
kahit hindi NaSakSiHaN!"
yan ang Tatak ng Brgy Lourdes

Now I know your true color, I will just let karma get to you.


If you love me, I'll love you back. If your nice, I'll be nice back. If you hate me, too bad! I wont change! If your rude to me, BEWARE!!!


ang putang ina mo 
ay binubuo ng labing isang letra, limang patinig at anim na katinig. 
binibigkas ito kadalasan kapag nagugulat ka, nagagalit, naiinis, nagbibiro, nang aasar. 
nasasarapan sa isang tao o kaya naman ay isa ka lang talagang literal na  


today meaning:
weak people revenge... like telling the truth/know something fact
strong people forgive... 
intelligent people ignore... like a criminal, plastik, actress 


I only said it 'cause I mean it
I only mean it 'cause it's true
So don't you doubt what I've been saying

Cause its been happened to me and Based on my experienced!!!

Simulation Of Birth

Basa- Basa din Pamilyang Raflesia/Cotonton/Flowerwer/Bulac2 pag may tym....

Attention: Nueva Ecija Doctors Hospital alam nyo ba ito?
Crimes against the Civil Status of Persons—particularly that which pertains Article 347 of the Revised Penal Code: simulation of births, substitution of one child for another and concealment or abandonment of a legitimate child—can be committed by physicians in their desire to help a childless couple, a financially challenged mother, and to protect the welfare of child.

Simulation of birth is the tampering of the civil registry making it appear in the birth records that a certain child was born to a person who is not his or her biological mother, causing such child to lose his or her true identity and status.1 Note that it refers to the record of birth, thus if the simulation is in any other document, the crime would already be falsification. If however, the birth certificate reflects the true parents but the simulation is in other documents, then Article 347 is not violated.2

In short, for the crime of simulation of birth to exist, it must be shown that the pretending parents have registered or caused the registration of the child as their own with the Registry of Births or that in so doing they were motivated by a desire to cause the loss of any trace as to the child’s true filiation to his prejudice.3

It also takes place when the woman pretends to be pregnant when in fact she is not, and on the day of the supposed delivery, takes the child of another as her own. In this case, the woman introduces a stranger in the family and defrauds the legitimate heirs. It must be noted that the woman who simulates birth and the one who furnishes the child are both responsible as principals4, thereby, making both of them primarily liable to serve six (6) years and one(l) day to twelve (12) years in prison. It is noteworthy to mention that the law specifically provides that if a physician or surgeon or public officer cooperates in the commission of the crime, such person can also be held liable for violation of the duties of his profession.

For a crime to fall as “substituting one child for another”, it is committed when for instance, X is born of parents Y and Z, while A is born of B and C, and the physician or offender, with intent to cause the loss of any trace of filiation, exchanges X and A without the knowledge of their respective parents. The crime is also committed if a person places a live child of a woman in place of a dead one of another woman5. The substitution of a child for another has the same penalty as simulation of birth, but if the offender is already engaged in tradingand dealing children, including the act of buying and selling of a child, the crime of child trafficking is committed punishable with 12 years and one day to forty years in prison6. When a doctor, hospital or clinic official or employee, nurse, midwife, local civil registrar or any other person simulates birth for the purpose of child trafficking such as if the parents agree to adoption of child for a consideration; or the physician made it appear in the record of birth that the supposed parents are the natural parents, the crime committed is Attempt at Child Trafficking7, which has a penalty two degrees lower than that of child trafficking8 or six (6) months and 1 day to six (6) years in prison.

The third act is “concealing or abandoning any legitimate child with intent to cause such child to lose civil status”. From the wordings of Article 347 itself, it can be culled that the requisites in order to commit the crime are: first, the child must be legitimate, second, the offender conceals or abandons such child; and third, the offender has the intent to cause such child to lose its civil status. It is a basic principle in Criminal Law that all the elements or requisites to commit a crime must be present to hold a person liable, otherwise, the crime is not committed. It was formerly so well known in Spain of the practice of abandoning new-born infants and very young children at the door of hospitals, churches and other religious institutions, and it is in this sense that the word abandon is also used in Article 347 of the Revised Penal Code9.

In summary, the commission of the three acts mentioned must have for its object, the creation of a false civil status or the purpose is to cause the loss of any trace as to the filiation of the child. As such, we ought to be cautious of the advice we give and actions we partake in dealing with our patients. We may have the best justification or defense for our action but the fact remains that circumvention of the laws has been made. We all know the existence of adoption proceedings. It is best that we leave the legal matters as to altering or providing information as to civil status of a child to the parents themselves or the proper authorities. Moreover, although we may have the knowledge and purest of intention that our participation is such acts will bring about a better status than the first legal status, the fact remains that the offense is made, and such supposed good deed bounces back risking our own reputation and sworn profession.

Philippine Journal of Internal MedicineLegal Prescription
Rodel V. Capule M.D., FPCP


Basa- Basa din Pamilyang Raflesia pag may tym....

I. Acts Punished:
1. Simulation of Birth:

2. Substitution of one child for another

3. Concealing or abandoning a legitimate child to cause the lose of civil status

II. Principles

A. In simulation and substitution, the child need not be legitimate.

B. The purpose of the acts punished must be to cause the loss of the civil status of the child or to obtain the civil status of another.

C. Simulation of birth, the act of making it appear that a woman gave birth to a child, must be in the record of birth/birth certificate. A birth certificate is obtained indicating that the woman gave birth to a child when in truth she did not.

1. If the simulation is in any other document, the crime is falsification

2. If the woman feigns or pretends to be pregnant and then makes it appear she gave birth to a baby when in truth the baby is that of another, such pretense is not punished. But when she causes the birth to be recorded, said act constitute the crime of simulation of birth.

3. Where the woman pretends to be pregnant and to give birth in order to demand support from the alleged father, the crime is estafa.

D. The abandonment is not to kill but to cause it to lose its civil status. It consists of the practice of leaving an infant at the door of a religious or charitable institution, hospitals, or a foster home or the DSWD. The child be legitimate else it is a crime against security i.e. abandonment by persons having charge of the education or rearing of the child.

E. Substitution has for its principal element the putting of a child in place of another born of a different mother. This results to a change of status because a child is introduced into a family although said child is a stranger thereto. The child acquires a name, situation and rights to which it is not lawfully entitled.

Example: (i). Placing a different baby in the crib of another

I. Concept: the crime committed by any person who shall usurp the civil status of another. It is the act of pretending to be another person so as to enjoy the latter’s rights, filiations, paternity or conjugal rights, including his profession or public status. It involves the idea of impersonating another.

A. The penalty is higher if the purpose is to defraud the offended party or his heirs such as pretending to be the lost son or nephew of a rich man

B. Example: (i) “The Prince and the Pauper” (ii) “The Man in the Iron Mask”. (iii). Pretending to be the Cesar Oracion in order to be addressed as “Dean”

II. Other Related Crimes involving usurpation/impersonation

A. May be Using Fictitious Name as when the accused another to avoid being arrested for traffic violations.

B. Estafa as by pretending to be the creditor or collector

C. Falsification as by pretending to be the payee in a check

D. Perjury


Dedicated this song Specially on you!!!!

pasumpa sumpa ka pa

Friday, April 4, 2014


Its a MAN's job to respect a woman,
but its a WOMANS job to give him something
to respect....


Don't be too confident when someone tells 
you that they love you, the real question 
is "until when"? Because just like seasons 
people change and so do feelings..